Poly-N-Acetyl Glucosamine Technology Delivers Proven Results for a Range of Indications
Our technology has been rigorously tested in clinical trials and has proven effective for a broad range of medical indications. We are committed to continuously researching and developing additional beneficial properties of pGlcNAc in the treatment of human ailments. We comply with FDA QS 820 regulations.
Beneficial Results in The Treatment of Diabetic Wounds
Poly-N-acetyl glucosamine membranes profoundly accelerated wound closure mainly by reepithelialization and increased keratinocyte migration, granulation tissue formation, cell proliferation, and vascularization compared with control wounds. Expression of markers of angiogenesis, cell migration and ECM remodeling were also up-regulated as compared to controls. Learn more >
Effective Vascular Catheterization Hemostasis in Anticoagulated Patients
Poly-N-acetyl glucosamine helps to control bleeding through mechanisms that involve vasoconstriction, red blood cell agglutination and platelet activation for fibrin clot formation. Learn more >
pGlcNAc Fibers Control Bleeding When Conventional Therapies Fail
The combination of platelet and RBC receptor-based contact with the pGlcNAc fibers results in thrombin generation and fibrin mesh formation. A hemostatic plug forms, which is augmented by additional vasoconstrictive effects due to the release of both thromboxane by activated platelets and endothelin-1 by endothelial cells. Learn more >